Call Scientific Plant Service for Baltimore phragmites control services and aquatic care.
Scientific Plant Service has provided our Baltimore community with comprehensive landscape services since our establishment in 1957. We provide lawn care, deer and animal repellent, mole and pest control, tree and shrub care, and aquatics services. One of our most essential aquatics services is our phragmites control treatments. This invasive species can impact your bodies of water and harm your natural environment. The Scientific Plant Service crew is licensed to provide the care you require. You can count on us to provide you with the Baltimore phragmites control services you need. Call us today to discuss your phragmites concerns.
What Are Phragmites?
Phragmites are very tall (often 10 to 12 feet) wispy grasses that are an invasive, non-native species that appear on the banks of waterways and in damp areas. These plants are also known as the Common Reed. While a type of common reed originated in the U.S., the invasive European strains were introduced in the 1800s, possibly through ships. Now, those who wish to maintain an effective and diverse aquatic environment must take care to control phragmites’ growth.
The Importance of Baltimore Phragmites Control Services
Why is it crucial to control phragmites? These plants can form dense, impenetrable monocultures. Their rhizomes (underground roots) can extend over two meters and reach deep underwater, developing a thick mat that prevents other plants from establishing themselves.
Once phragmites are established, they can displace native species, reduce biodiversity, choke waterways, and offer little value for wildlife. As phragmites block the waterways, water flow is reduced, and the flood retention of the wetland decreases. The stems can trap sediments, causing the body of water to become increasingly shallow.