Call Scientific Plant Service for effective Baltimore deer repellent.
Scientific Plant Service has provided our Baltimore community with essential lawn care services since 1957. In addition to our lawn care, athletic field maintenance, tree and shrub care, soil testing, aquatics, and pest control services, we offer comprehensive deer repellent programs. Deer can invade your lawn, strip bark from your trees, and eat plants in your garden, ravaging the beautiful landscape you have taken years to cultivate. Additionally, deer carry deer ticks with them, which carry Lyme disease. To avoid the negative and potentially dangerous consequences of deer on your lawn, call the licensed lawn care providers at Scientific Plant Service for our Baltimore deer repellant services.
The Danger Deer Post to Your Plants, Trees, and Shrubs
Deer may look charming and non-threatening when seen in the wild, but they can seriously damage your landscape when they decide your property is an excellent food source. Deer can eat nearly 500 types of plants, and once they find your garden bed, they will return until all the food is gone.
If deer feed on your trees, they invite tree diseases as their feeding strips off the bark, making it vulnerable to fungal pathogens. This, in turn, weakens the tree and makes it much more susceptible to disease and infestations.
Year-Round Deer Repellent and Support
If you live near open spaces or reservoirs, your lawn is especially susceptible to visits from white-tail deer. During the winter, their food sources are limited, so they frequently seek out lush landscapes and eat them up. Bucks also rub their antlers on young trees to remove the “velvet” from new antlers, which can damage your bark.
Landscape losses can be managed when you sign up for our Baltimore Deer Repellent Program. This program includes monthly applications of our organic-based solutions that target the prime pickings deer go after. We alternate the products we use throughout the year to prevent deer resistance.