Call Scientific Plant Service for Baltimore IPM – Integrated Pest Management.
Since 1957, Scientific Plant Service has provided services to our Baltimore community. In addition to our lawn care, tree and shrub care, soil testing, and aquatics services, we provide Baltimore IPM or Integrated Pest Management. This pest control system uses various controls to eliminate pests most effectively. Our skilled and knowledgeable technicians are equipped to identify pests and the many control methods appropriate for each situation. Our licensed professionals will provide customized solutions to your Baltimore property. Call us today to discuss your pest control needs.
What Is Integrated Pest Management?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a process used to resolve pest problems while minimizing risks to people and the environment. This ecosystem-based strategy focuses on the long-term prevention of pests through a combination of techniques, including biological controls, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and resistant plant varieties.
Pesticides are only used once monitoring indicates they are needed. Baltimore IPM from Scientific Plant Service is designed to minimize the risks to human health, beneficial organisms, and your environment while removing irritating pests.
Monitoring Your Environment and Identifying Pests
A crucial part of Baltimore IPM – Integrated Pest Management is monitoring your landscape. This is the first step in the process and includes evaluating your property to identify which pests are present, how many there are, and what damage they have caused.
Correctly identifying pests is vital to knowing whether a pest will become a problem and determining the best management strategy. If control is needed, this information helps Scientific Plant Service choose the most effective methods of pest management and the best ways to use them. Our knowledgeable and experienced team knows how to identify pests of all varieties and knows control methods appropriate for different species.
Manage These Pests with Baltimore IPM – Integrated Pest Management
Pests are considered organisms that interfere with or damage desirable plants or landscapes. Pests can be plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, nematodes, or pathogens. A few common pests that require management include insects, grubs, ticks, fleas, moles, and bacteria and fungi that infect your landscape.
If you have concerns about the health of your landscape, aquatics, or trees and shrubs, contact Scientific Plant Service for the best control methods.