Call Scientific Plant Service for the best Baltimore non-biting midge control services.
Scientific Plant Service has provided thorough lawn care to our Baltimore neighbors since our creation in 1957. In addition to our essential lawn care, tree and shrub, athletic field maintenance, soil testing, and aquatics services, we offer several pest control services. Our non-biting midge control services are similar to mosquito control in that these services reduce populations of annoying insects that can swarm uncomfortably around outdoor environments. Call Scientific Plant Service for Baltimore non-biting midge control services to remove these pests from your property. Our licensed technicians will provide unique solutions that enhance the health and safety of your landscape.
How Are Non-Biting Midges Different From Mosquitos?
Non-biting midges are also known as “blind mosquitoes” because they look similar to mosquitoes but do not bite. Non-biting midges often appear around bodies of water, as do mosquitoes. However, midges do not have the proboscis (the needle-like sucking mouthparts) of mosquitoes. Unlike mosquitoes, midges do not bite or transmit diseases. However, they are nuisance pests because they often appear in swarms.
Non-biting midges may congregate on vegetation, under porch alcoves, and on walls of your home and other buildings. These swarms can be so dense that they interfere with outdoor activities and stain the walls, cars, or other surfaces on which they gather.
Where You Can Find Non-Biting Midges
Non-biting midges congregate near bodies of water. If you live near a pond, you may be more likely to have non-biting midges swarm on your property or fly around this body of water. Non-biting midges are a part of nutrient-rich aquatic habitats, so you cannot remove them altogether. However, you can reduce or prevent breeding habits from forming if you are concerned about the booming population of non-biting midges on your Baltimore property.