Call Scientific Plant Service for the best Baltimore mole control services.
Scientific Plant Service has provided dedicated lawn care services to our Baltimore neighbors since 1957. In addition to our soil testing, athletic field maintenance, tree and shrub care, and aquatics care, we offer numerous pest and wildlife control services. This includes mole control. Moles ruin your beautiful lawn and can leave long-lasting damage above and below the surface. If you need to remove or keep moles away from your property, call Scientific Plant Service for the best Baltimore mole control services. Our licensed technicians will inspect your property to determine the best comprehensive treatment for your Baltimore landscape.
How Do Moles Damage Your Lawn?
The damage caused by moles is primarily collateral damage from their burrowing and the secondary pests they invite to your yard. Moles create many raised areas on your lawn, which upsets your beautiful landscape. Voles and mice will often come through the tunnels created by moles and eat seeds and plant roots under the surface. While moles don’t eat plants, their damage is caused by the tunnels they dig throughout your yard while looking for worms and grubs to eat.
The Signs of a Mole Infestation
Moles are not always easily seen, but what they leave behind is very visible. You may have a mole infestation if you spot the following signs:
- Molehills: These look like small mounds of soil and may be scattered across your yard
- Raised Ridges: Moles create tunnels as they burrow underground, which causes raised ridges in your yard
- Dead or Drying Grass: As moles tunnel, they can damage roots and cause patches of dead or dying grass to appear
- Holes in the Ground: If you spot small holes, they may be entry and exit points for mole tunnels
- Soft or Spongy Ground: Moles loosen the soil as they dig, which can lead the ground underfoot to become weak and spongy
Call Scientific Plant Service for a professional inspection if you spot these signs. We can determine whether moles are in your lawn and start preparing our Baltimore mole control services.