Find your best lawn care service in Brooklyn Park with Scientific Plant Service.
Brooklyn Park, Maryland, is a charming corner of Anne Arundel County. This scenic town is near attractions like Curtis Creek, the Benson-Hammond House, and Solleys Cove Park. If you want your Brooklyn Park property to match the beautiful scenery that surrounds it, maintaining a healthy and resilient landscape should be your first priority. At Scientific Plant Service, our licensed lawn care professionals are ready to provide you with the comprehensive landscape treatments required for outstanding results. Our team offers fertilization services, aquatics care, herbicide applications, and more. Contact Scientific Plant Service today to learn more about our lawn care service in Brooklyn Park.
Maintain a Beautiful Property with Weed and Feed Applications
Fertilizer treatments and weed control are two essential elements of a healthy landscape, and our lawn care service in Brooklyn Park includes both. Herbicides and fertilizers work together to prevent weed germination and promote robust grass growth. Our three-step, very efficient Weed and Feed treatment yields amazing results for our clients. There are three phases to the treatments:
- First, we apply POLYON fertilizer in the spring to increase the soil’s nitrogen content. Herbicides are applied to prevent the germination of weeds, such as goosegrass and crabgrass.
- If extra herbicide is needed, we use it during the peak of the broadleaf weed season.
- Finally, we assess your landscape at the end of the season to see whether any treatments are required. Again, POLYON is used to get your grass ready for spring.
Why Do We Use POLYON Fertilizer?
At Scientific Plant Service, we put a lot of effort into providing our customers with exceptional outcomes. We always use the newest equipment and techniques while taking care of your landscape. POLYON fertilizer is made to work as efficiently as possible, which is why it is our preferred fertilizer.
How POLYON Impacts Your Maryland Landscape
- We can use this fertilizer to provide your grass with the nutrients it needs without causing excessive runoff into the environment.
- POLYON uses 30 to 50% fewer nutrients than conventional fertilizers while still producing excellent results
- All you need to do to keep your lawn healthy is to apply two granular treatments annually.
POLYON is preferred by Scientific Plant Services because it is advantageous to both our clients and the communities in which they live.