Your winter maintenance calendar for your Maryland landscape may include pruning your shrubs and trees.
No matter how intensive your landscape and its maintenance needs may be, following a seasonal care schedule is always best. This calendar will help you remember which tasks to accomplish and when and ensure that your lawn receives the proper care at the right time of the year. The timing for some of these items depends on weather conditions, but they can all be completed before the spring growing season officially arrives in a few months. Reach out to Scientific Plant Service for additional help and to receive the best services and care for your Maryland landscape.
Start Planning
January is a prime time to plan your yard, garden, and landscape projects for the year. Decide what you can do yourself and which services you want to hire out. You will want to schedule landscape contractors or yard service early before they get busy in the spring.
Test Your Soil Before Spring
You can test your soil with an at-home kit or have a professional do it for you. When you work with a professional, they can provide feedback and guidance based on your results. Remember: healthy lawns should be tested every three years, and you should test problem spots every year.
Prune Trees and Shrubs During Dormancy
You can prune established trees and shrubs during their dormancy in winter. Be sure to remove all diseased or damaged branches. If you don’t have experience with pruning, hiring a professional is best, as a poor pruning job can harm your tree. There is a right way to prune your trees and shrubs, if you have any doubts it is best to leave it to the professionals.
Remove Leaves and Yard Debris
Remove any remaining leaves or debris from fall and winter from around your plants and shrubs to minimize the development of pests and diseases. Slugs like to lay eggs under piles of leaves left on the ground, so it’s always best to clean these piles up as soon as possible. Leaves and debris hold moisture which can lead to the development of fungal issues as well.
Prevent Weeds Before Sprouting
Late winter is a great time to get a jump on any sprouting weeds before they gain a foothold in your yard. Consult with the team at Scientific Plant Service to learn about our weed-and-feed treatment that begins with herbicide and fertilizer applications at the start of spring.
Scientific Plant Service Is Your Go-To Source In Landscape Healthcare
Scientific Plant Service, located in Baltimore, is a privately owned corporation, chartered in Maryland in 1957 by Frank J. Burke. We started as a full-service Arborists specializing in the care of shade trees and ornamental shrubs, but today we are a Lawn Care company that is a huge part of the community. From aquatic environments and snow management to deer and mole control, SPS has services tailored specifically for your lawn and landscape.
We offer services in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Virginia, including: Harford, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Howard, Anne Arundel, Montgomery, Prince Georges, Talbot, Queen Anne’s, Calvert counties in MD, as well as Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Arlington, Alexandria, and Falls Church in VA. For more information, contact us online, or call us at 410-321-0970. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.