Learn about four things you should never do to your lawn.
While it’s important to know about the basics of lawn care and how to maintain your landscape, it’s also important to know what you should never do to your grass. This includes cutting your lawn too short or at the wrong time of day, and watering too often or mowing when the grass is still wet. Continue reading to learn more about four things you should avoid when taking care of your lawn.
Cutting It Too Short
It’s crucial to avoid cutting your lawn too short. A general guideline to follow is the one-third rule, this means that you should never remove more than one-third of the leaf tissue at any time when you mow. Mowing your lawn at a higher height of cut is the easiest way to improve and maintain the health of your lawn. Mowing at a higher height of cut also allows you to increase the amount of time between mowings if you follow the one-third guideline. Mowing at a higher height of cut increases the amount of leaf tissue available for photosynthesis and minimizes the amount of sunlight getting to any weeds that are in the soil. Also, make sure the blade is sharpened regularly for a clean cut.
Mowing At Noon
Mowing at the right time of day is crucial for keeping your lawn healthy and green, especially during the summer when the sun is very powerful. Refrain from mowing your lawn at noon, or any other extremely hot time of day, as the heat can put stress on your lawn. Mowing in the late afternoon or early evening is much more effective, and you will benefit from avoiding the strenuous work at the hottest times of the day.
Watering Too Often
While many homeowners take steps to ensure their lawn is green and lush, there is such a thing as overwatering your lawn. Watering every day is not a good idea, as frequent watering creates a shallow root system. Instead, water your grass once a week for about an hour to allow the water to reach the soil. As mentioned above, high noon is not an optimal time for lawn maintenance, and watering in the hot sun will just result in the water evaporating. Instead, water in the early morning or late evening. However, it’s important to research your species of grass, as some grasses don’t need regular watering.
Cutting Wet Grass
The best time to cut your grass is when it’s dry, as moisture will weigh the blades down and make it difficult to make a straight cut. Also, disease can spread quickly when you mow wet grass, since freshly cut blades are more susceptible to disease-carrying organisms. However, if it is a very rainy season, it’s better to mow damp grass than to let it grow too tall. Conversely, it’s also a bad idea to mow during a drought or dry spell, as it will put too much stress on your lawn.
Scientific Plant Service Is Your Go-To Source In Landscape Healthcare
Scientific Plant Service, located in Baltimore, is a privately owned corporation, chartered in Maryland in 1957 by Frank J. Burke. We started as a full-service Arborists specializing in the care of shade trees and ornamental shrubs, but today we are a Lawn Care company that is a huge part of the community. From aquatic environments and snow management to deer and mole control, SPS has services tailored specifically for your lawn and landscape.
We offer services in Maryland, Washington, DC, and Virginia, including Harford, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Howard, Anne Arundel, Montgomery, Prince Georges, Talbot, Calvert counties in MD, as well as Loudoun County, Fairfax County, Arlington, Alexandria, and Falls Church in VA. For more information, contact us online, or call us at 410-321-0970. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest!