As the weather cools, it’s time to start thinking about how to prepare your landscape for the first frost. The first frost typically occurs in Maryland between mid-October and early November, depending on your location. Properly preparing your lawn, plants,… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘winter weather’
How to Treat and Protect Ice-Covered Trees and Shrubs
During the cold winter months, you may notice icicles hanging from your shrub and tree branches. The branches may eleven be coated in ice. While this may look picturesque, the ice can damage vulnerable shrubs and trees. Fortunately, there are… Read More
The Impact of Cold Weather on Your Lawn
Every season has a particular impact on the health and appearance of your lawn. How does winter and its cold weather impact your landscape? Winter can be challenging, especially when you factor in extended periods of snow and ice. Freezing… Read More
How Rain, Heat, and Cold Affects Your Lawn
It would be great if landscapes always lived in the ideal conditions, with the right moderate temperatures and rainfall. However, everyone knows that weather is unpredictable, especially in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Rain, drought, humidity, heat, and cold all affect your… Read More
How to Protect Your Lawn From Snow Mold
When the snow melts off your lawn and leaves behind gray or pink patches, your yard could have snow mold. Snow mold is a fungus that can affect grass after a significant snowfall. While it is unsightly, this is not… Read More
What You Can Do for Ice-Covered Trees and Shrubs
Icicles may look picturesque hanging from your trees and shrubs, but they can cause quite a bit of lasting damage. Fortunately, there are small tasks you can do to protect your trees and shrubs from ice damage or help them… Read More
Common Winter Lawn Damage and How to Avoid It
There are a few different types of winter damage that lawns may suffer during the winter. You may not even be aware of this damage until the ground thaws and snow disappears in spring. Problems like snow mold, voles, crown… Read More
How to Protect Your Trees and Shrubs from Snow and Ice Damage
As January moves in, winter grows stronger. With increased winter weather, your trees and shrubs can be impacted by falling snow and heavy ice formations. These winter events can have negative consequences, but there are actions you can take to… Read More