As winter settles in, your lawn undergoes changes that can make it vulnerable to various diseases. While the cold weather may slow down the growth of grass, it doesn’t mean your lawn is immune to potential threats. Winter lawn diseases… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘snow mold’
The Four Most Significant Effects of Snow on Your Lawn
Winter is the time of year when plants, including your lawn, go dormant. When the plants are dormant, they are more resistant to harsh weather conditions and can more easily survive into spring. However, that doesn’t mean the plants are… Read More
The Impact of Cold Weather on Your Lawn
Every season has a particular impact on the health and appearance of your lawn. How does winter and its cold weather impact your landscape? Winter can be challenging, especially when you factor in extended periods of snow and ice. Freezing… Read More
How to Identify Six Common Turf Diseases
Several fungal turf diseases can strike your lawn and wreak havoc. But how can you be sure you’re dealing with one of them? The first step is learning to identify turf diseases so you can seek treatment for your lawn… Read More
How Does Cold Weather Affect Your Lawn?
Winter lawn care can be a challenge, especially when you can have extended periods of snow cover, frozen soil, and ice to deal with. Freezing temperatures have a detrimental effect on any grass, and your turf is even more susceptible… Read More
How to Protect Your Lawn From Snow Mold
When the snow melts off your lawn and leaves behind gray or pink patches, your yard could have snow mold. Snow mold is a fungus that can affect grass after a significant snowfall. While it is unsightly, this is not… Read More
The Potential Effects of Snow on Your Lawn
Although your lawn is dormant during the winter and enjoying some much-needed rest, winter weather and other factors may still affect your lawn. An abundance of snow, in particular, can potentially lead to unique consequences. It helps to be aware… Read More
Common Winter Lawn Damage and How to Avoid It
There are a few different types of winter damage that lawns may suffer during the winter. You may not even be aware of this damage until the ground thaws and snow disappears in spring. Problems like snow mold, voles, crown… Read More